Influencer @ EXPOLINGUA

We will get you in touch: network with the best-known YouTubers in the language learning scene, attract new target groups and expand your strategic reach!


Netzwerk Sprachunternehmen


Netzwerk Sprachunternehmen Corona-Special: 02. April 2020

  • Hier finden Sie eine Audioaufnahme des Events
  • Hier finden Sie eine PDF-Zusammenfassung des Events

Angesichts der Herausforderungen für Unternehmen der Sprachbranche in Bezug auf die aktuelle Situation, haben wir uns mit unseren Partnern von der Online-Marketing-Agentur Netzbekannt entschlossen, eine Online-Ausgabe des Netzwerk Sprachunternehmen ins Leben zu rufen.



Languages are your passion and profession? Are you managing a language school, organizing language travel, developing a language app, providing translation or language training services?


If you answered at least once with "yes", then join us at the kick-off event of the "Language Businesses Network" on August, 29th, 2019, from 18:00 until 20:30 in Berlin – participation is free of charge. You can register with a few clicks here.

Think you've heard it all? The languages industry has always been a special one: on the one hand, the demand on our services is enormous, the trend of international education is getting stronger by the day, and global communication has become an essential soft skill in job markets. On the other hand, the market is overflowing, the competition is tight and profit rates appear to be limited…

Going on from this, we want to understand the challenges, clarify your needs and open new perspectives:

  • How can I define and filter target groups, in order to meet their demands as exactly as possible?
  • How do I recruit qualified language trainers?
  • What is today's customer profile, which niche I should serve?
  • Leading formats and trends are constantly changing and being replaced – whether it be digital tools (personalized & learner-driven), the toursim industry (Lifestyle & Family) or in learning research: where is the journey heading?
  • What marketing strategies are still up-to-date – aside from just being the top hit in every google search?
  • How does influencer marketing really work? 

When: August 29th 2019 from 18:00 to 20:30
Where: Berlin, A&O Hotel at the main train station
Who: Professionals of the language industry.
Organizers: EXPOLINGUA Berlin and Netzbekannt

Due to the limited number of places, please register on time!
Kindly fill out our short questionnaire (in German) – Thank you!

We look forward to welcoming you!


Teachers‘ Hub @ EXPOLINGUA Berlin

Sprachlehrer sein heißt viel mehr als Unterrichten: sie sind Lernberater, interkulturelle Vermittler, Karriere-Coaches, internationale Bildungs-Unternehmer, digitale Nomaden – Sprachlehrern steht die Welt offen!

Steigen Sie ein – und erweitern Sie Ihr Berufsfeld!

  • Tauschen Sie sich mit anderen Lehrern, Vertretern von Sprachschulen, Verlagen und Agenturen aus!
  • Erfahren Sie mehr über aktuelle Trends, Einblicke aus der Praxis und neue Perspektiven in Workshops und Präsentationen!

Hier haben wir einige Highlights der EXPOLINGUA 2019 für Sie zusammengestellt:


What is 'Follow Languages Day'?


On August 31st, world famous language experts and language teachers will ascend upon Berlin. They have one thing in common - language learning! Opening up their world to learning languages, and teaching others, is their life, passion or hobby, and they know how to combine learning with fun.

During the event, the bloggers, vloggers and influencers will share their top language skills, tips, tricks and learning methods for reaching language goals. Not only will the bloggers and vloggers attend, but also over 5 million language learners will virtually attend the event, too. Via Instagram, Facebook and Twitter, the event will be documented and accessible across the globe.

Language learning is becoming much more accessible. Be part of the journey!

Organisers: EXPOLINGUA, Lingoda & Netzbekannt



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